

You can make a difference

You can help improve the quality of life of the persons we serve through your donation to EastRidge Health Systems.

EastRidge is committed to serving the residents of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. As a non-profit, EastRidge relies on funding from the state of West Virginia, reimbursements from Medicaid, private health insurance and self-paying patients, and grants to offer these services.

EastRidge is a 501(c)(3) corporation therefore your contribution is tax deductible and it will further the EastRidge mission of providing accessible, quality services to individuals with mental health issues, substance abuse issues and developmental disabilities.

Your contribution will be used prudently to improve, expand and support services for our clients.

Ways to Give

Cash Donations
You can make a cash contribution by mailing a check to EastRidge Health Systems to the address below, or click on the link below to donate on the web!

Donate Now!

In Kind Gifts
We accept donations of operable computers, office equipment, office furniture, and more. Please call us if you are interested in making an in kind donation.

Grove’s Treasure Trove Donations
Donate household items in good condition to Grove’s Treasure Trove, a second hand/resale store that benefits the EastRidge Grove Center. Drop off donations between 9AM-4PM Monday-Friday.  Learn more on the Grove’s Treasure Trove shop page.

Vehicle Donations
Handicapped accessible vans in good condition will be gratefully accepted.

Charitable Status

EastRidge Health Systems is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Legal Name: Eastern Panhandle Mental Health Center, Inc. dba EastRidge Health Systems

Our Mission: To provide comprehensive community mental health services to residents of Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan Counties in West Virginia.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a gift, please contact:

Rita Quinn, Chief Executive Officer
235 South Water Street
Martinsburg, WV 25401